
Anderson for ND House




Representative Karen Anderson, North Dakota District 19 House.

Proven leadership and conservative values.

Candidate photo, Karen Anderson for ND House

meet karen

Representative Karen Anderson is a lifelong resident of Walsh County and has a proven track record of community involvement and standing up for conservative North Dakota Values in the ND Legislature.

  Pro-Life and Pro-Family


  Support Law Enforcement and Veterans


   Strong voice for rural Townships and Counties 


   Advocate for Agriculture and soil conservation


   Defend  2nd Amendment rights


    Committed to Cut taxes and red tape


   Endorsed by the District 19 Republican Party


Karen Anderson serves as one of  District 19’s Representatives in the State House.

ND Legislative District 19 includes all of Pembina County, most of Walsh County and the eastern edge of Cavalier County.  Check out the ND District 19 Republican Party Website to learn more about D19 and our local party.

Visit the D19 Republicans website


Website paid for by Karen A. Anderson